In the rating of perception of the corruption made by the international organization Transparency International, Kyrgyzstan is among the countries with the high level of perception, being in the 123rd place from 175 countries. Nevertheless, these dry figures not reflected in life of simple citizens. In leaders of highly corrupted spheres, there are a health care system, education, айыл окмоту, the city hall and akimiat.
This audio programme went out in Russian and Kyrgyz on national radio stations in Kyrgyzstan. It was produced under two IWPR projects, Investigative Journalism to Promote Democratic Reform, funded by the European Union; and Strengthening Capacities, Bridging Divides in Central Asia, funded by the Foreign Ministry of Norway. The contents of this article are the sole responsibility of IWPR and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the EU or the Norwegian government.