
CABAR.asia 28.12.20

Sari Khosor is one of the most remote and beautiful places in the mountains of Tajikistan, located 200 km southeast of Dushanbe in the Baljuvon region, southern, Khatlon region. The inhabitants of these places live in very difficult conditions. It is impossible to get here in winter. And in summer, the roads here are so difficult that some people have not seen the “mainland” for years. During the Soviet Union due to lack of roads most of the people were relocated from this place to nearby valleys. After the collapse of the Soviet Union people returned to their homes. (more…)

CABAR.asia 27.12.20

Women released from prisons are concerned they cannot find permanent jobs and integrate into society. Such situation may lead them to committing repeated crimes, experts say. (more…)

CABAR.asia 18.12.20

Striving to achieve the American dream or to desire to get away from the hopelessness, lack of prospects and lack of work in Tajikistan: what pushes young Tajiks to participate in the annual Green Card lottery (Diversity Visa Program)? (more…)

CABAR.asia 14.12.20

This season’s final episode of the podcast, They Say … is about languages. Do I need to know the language of the country in which I was born and raised? What languages are the future for? What languages might disappear? These and other issues were discussed by the hosts Olya Kovaleva and Timur Timerkhanov. Share with us your opinion on the topic, and also look forward to new issues in January next year.

Listen on Apple podcast, Google podcast and Spotify.

Aigerim Musabalinova, an expert on children’s rights tries to find an answer to the question of how the social and cultural aspect of the country affects the well-being of children and the observance of their rights and interests, in an article for CABAR.asia.


CABAR.asia 17.11.20

Despite the statements of the authorities that rural healthcare centers were reorganised into family polyclinics in Uzbekistan, there is an acute shortage of medical personnel in remote villages, and many rural healthcare centers are in a miserable condition.


CABAR.asia 13.11.20

The current issue of the 5-Stan Podcast focuses on the past US presidential elections and their impact on politics in Central Asia. CABAR.asia editors Ermek Baisalov and Nargiza Muratalieva talk with experts from two countries: Kadyr Toktogulov, the former Kyrgyz ambassador to the United States and Canada, and Iskander Akylbaev, executive director of the Kazakhstan Council on Foreign Relations.

Are there any similarities in the electoral processes in our region and in the United States? Will Biden and his team build relations with all Central Asian countries or will they make priority ties only with Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan (as some leaders in the region), as the experience of the Trump administration has shown? Will Biden, a representative of the US Democratic Party, traditionally pay more attention to promoting democracy, human rights, and freedom of speech? Is it likely that relations between Kyrgyzstan and the United States, which are going through hard times, will improve? For example, countries will re-sign the cooperation agreement denounced in 2015, the United States will remove visa restrictions imposed under Trump. These questions and more are discussed in this 5-Stan Podcast series.

You can listen to the podcast in Russian here:

Listen on  Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts и Castbox.

This material has been prepared as part of the Giving Voice, Driving Change – from the Borderland to the Steppes Project. The opinions expressed in the article do not reflect the position of the editorial board or the donor.

Madina Arbobova 10.11.20

Countries such as India, Pakistan and Afghanistan are important partners for Tajikistan. However, with Russia and China present in Central Asia, not much attention has been paid to the South Asia region lately. The initially laid down multi-vector nature of Dushanbe’s foreign policy is no longer considered so relevant, but nevertheless, Tajikistan’s cooperation with its southern partners can still be called a priority. More in the following article for CABAR.Asia by specialist in international relations Madina Arbobova.


CABAR.asia 03.11.20

In the fifth, jubilee, issue of the podcast “They say” Olya Kovaleva and Timur Timerkhanov discuss a topic related to rural and urban residents. Why is there such a division? What does it affect? How tangible is it in the CA countries? Who are “balconskie”? The presenters tried to explain why one should not follow the stereotype that all rural residents are “narrow-minded”.


Rustami Sukhrob 22.10.20

Reestablished ties between Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, despite the bilateral nature, can play a definitive role in bolstering intra-regional co-operation. An expert on international relations Rustami Sukhrob looks into the points of contact, problems and prospects for these two neighbouring countires and attempts to explain what implications their repproachment can bring for the rest of Central Asia.
