Tajikistan has begun reforming its penitentiary system, which will last until 2030. The Tajik Ministry of Justice hopes that with the help of implemented international standards, it will be possible to relieve closed institutions and build modern and equipped prisons. The government also plans to reduce the number of repeat offenders among former prisoners, prevent the spread of radicalism and extremism in prisons and improve the effectiveness of prison staff. (more…)
On March 30, IWPR Central Asia held an online discussion on the topic “Women’s Activism in Central Asian Countries: the Fight for Women’s Rights Is Relevant Again”. (more…)
The trainings were held online on topics such as: new media, digital journalism and media literacy. The trainers were IWPR editors, media experts and experienced journalists from the CIS countries and outside the region.
The domestic waste landfills pollute rivers and soil, and contribute to the spread of infectious diseases in the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAO) in Tajikistan.
Gorno-Badakhshan occupies almost half of the Tajikistan’s territory, and is known in the world as ‘The Pamirs’ or ‘The Roof of the World’. The plastic waste accumulation is the acute problem in this high-mountainous remote region. (more…)
The Tajik experts believe that official permission to defer from military service for a fee will only increase corruption and aggravate the lives of conscripts from poor families.
Until society understands that the problems of people with disabilities are not medical, but social, many people with disabilities will not be able to live inclusively. (more…)
The laws of all Central Asian countries guarantee equal rights to all citizens, regardless of gender, nation, or religion. The countries have also ratified the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. But despite all the legislative acts, women’s rights are still being violated in Central Asian countries. (more…)
IWPR has united experienced and beginning podcasters of Central Asia, Russia and United Kingdom at the online festival “Hello Podcasters!”.
This issue of the podcast is devoted to the problems of the investment climate in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.
The Central Asian countries have experienced a lot since gaining independence. In some countries there was a civil war, in others to this day there are rallies and riots that lead to the change of power. (more…)