
Kyrgyzstan is holding early presidential election on January 10, 2021. 63 persons were going to run for president. However, not everyone made it to the pre-election race.
(more…) 10.12.20

Gender inequality remains one of the acute problems in Uzbekistan, despite the measures to improve the status of women. (more…) 09.12.20

In the next issue of the 5-Stan Podcast, the hosts, editors of in Tajikistan, Lola Olimova and Muslimbek Buriev, talk with the head of the first center for the study of artificial intelligence in Central Asia, TajRupt.AI, Azizjon Azimi.

(more…) 08.12.20

“Every case of torture is complex since there is very strong systemic resistance,” say human rights activists from the Coalition against Torture in Tajikistan. (more…)

The basic law of Kyrgyzstan provides and guarantees a lot of rights and privileges for the citizens. (more…)

It’s quite easy to fall into a trap in a modern world full of information and developing «scam technology».

(more…) 07.12.20

It is difficult for orphanages’ graduates to adapt to adulthood.

«After graduating the orphanage, you realize that you cannot do anything. You do not know how to spend money, how to cook food, where to buy groceries. You are only 16, but you are already in the free world without any experience and skills, without advice from any elders…» (more…) 03.12.20

Tajikistan is the only country in Central Asia where the illegal method of arbitrary detention of conscripts is used in order to fulfill the draft plan. This method is commonly known as “round-up”.


The regulation “On conditions and procedure of generation and supply of energy with the use of renewable energy sources” entered into force in Kyrgyzstan on November 15, 2020. It determines the new rules in the “green” energy market in the country.
