Multimedia 13.07.21

Since early June 2021, weather forecasters in all Central Asian states report abnormal heat. According to experts, the average air temperature in the region will be increasing every year. (more…)

According to the General Prosecutor’s Office, 2,141 cases of violence against women were registered in the first quarter of 2021 in Kyrgyzstan. 79 per cent of cases were dismissed.

Every fifth child in rural areas of Kyrgyzstan does not have a computer or gadget with Internet access. This means the opportunity to study online. (more…) 29.06.21

Tajikistan has begun reforming its penitentiary system, which will last until 2030. The Tajik Ministry of Justice hopes that with the help of implemented international standards, it will be possible to relieve closed institutions and build modern and equipped prisons. The government also plans to reduce the number of repeat offenders among former prisoners, prevent the spread of radicalism and extremism in prisons and improve the effectiveness of prison staff. (more…) 24.06.21

Discrepancies in the official statistics of the two states for 10 years are estimated as more than 116 million dollars, which is one-fifth of the entire trade for all these years. According to experts, this is just a small amount of undeclared commodities.
(more…) 22.06.21

In the last decade, Kyrgyzstan faced a double increase in the number of patients with diabetes. The government provides them with insulin free of charge, but drugs supplied under the state guarantee programme were not suitable for all. At times, there are not enough funds to purchase other types of insulin. 


The coronavirus pandemic has adjusted the labour market in terms of both unemployment and skills on demand. During the lockdown, many companies have switched their focus on digital communication with the world around and the demand for remote employment has grown. 


Irina Osipova 14.06.21

Kazakhstan started implementation of the new overall plan of privatisation. In 2021-2025, the state is going to sell by auction or place into trust to investors over 670 facilites.

(more…) 11.06.21

The Central Asian region has lost its once-largest lake in the world – Aral Sea. However, the ecological disaster was not a lesson to be learned for the authorities of Uzbekistan who still continue to treat water resources thoughtlessly. (more…)

Every year, with the beginning of the heating season, residents of Uzbekistan complain about limited hours of electricity supply.
