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CABAR.asia Podcast: On the Non-Medical Consequences of Coronavirus in Central Asia

Will coronophobia come to Central Asia? On the non-medical effects of coronavirus in the region.

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Concerns about the consequences of the Chinese coronavirus epidemic were triggered by a wave of apocalyptic predictions – reputable analysts seriously started to speak out for the fact that COVID-19 (this is how WHO recently designated this virus) became the notorious “black swan” that will lead to a new global crisis, similar to the one in 2007-2008 and surpass the epidemic of SARS (atypical pneumonia) in 2002-2003.

There are many kinds of publications about the victims, about measures taken against coronavirus in China, Western countries, Russia and other countries, however, there is a little information about the non-medical consequences of coronavirus for our region.

Ermek Baisalov, Esen Usubaliev, Nargiz Muratalieva. Photo: CABAR.asia

In this issue of the CABAR.asia podcast, expert Esen Usubaliev, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Director of the analytical center “Prudent solutions” is our guest.

The editors of CABAR.asia Nargiza Muratalieva and Ermek Baisalov, together with Esen Usubaliev, tried to discuss and find answers to the following questions: Did coronavirus influence political-diplomatic and economic relations between China and the countries of Central Asia? How will coronavirus affect the tourism industry in Central Asia? What is the extent of Sinophobia and racism? Is it worth believing the mythical ideas about the origins of the coronavirus: secret biological weapons, God’s punishment for “oppressing” national minorities in China, or is it just a new virus? What will be the situation in the countries of Central Asia in of virus occurrence in our countries? When will the hype around the theme of coronavirus decline?

This material has been prepared as part of the Giving Voice, Driving Change – from the Borderland to the Steppes Project project. The opinions expressed in the article do not reflect the position of the editorial board or donor.


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