In the latest podcast, we continue to discuss the domestic violence problems in the Central Asian countries.
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An activist and journalist Irina Matvienko was the founder of the “NE MOLCHI.UZ” [“Do not be silent!” – Tr.] movement in Uzbekistan. Over the years, it became a well-known brand and now, actively helps violence victims, mainly girls and women, to speak openly about the consequences of the horror they experienced. Editors in Tajikistan Lola Olimova and Muslimbek Buriev spoke with Irina Matvienko about how the wide public in Uzbekistan reacted to the NE MOLCHI.UZ initiative.
Was this movement able to win the women’s trust? Did the topic of domestic violence cease to be tabooed? Did the number of requests to NE MOLCHI.UZ increase during the COVID-19 quarantine period? Do many different movements, media platforms and projects to counter violence against women that have appeared recently help to reduce its level? You will get answers to these and other questions from Podcast.
The 5-Stan Podcast discussion (in Russian) by is available at: