Have the protest sentiments in Central Asia been studied sufficiently? What common triggers do they have? What are the approaches of the Central Asian countries to regulate protest sentiments? What role do social media play in mobilizing protest sentiments?
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The current issue of the 5-Stan Podcast focuses on the protest sentiments in Central Asia. CABAR.asia editors Ermek Baisalov and Nargiza Muratalieva talk with experts from two countries: political scientist Dimash Alzhanov from Kazakhstan and Daniyar Amanaliev, founder of ololo haus and ololo art studio from Kyrgyzstan.
What is the role of civil society in the protests taking place in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan? What are the negative and positive aspects of the protests? What is the future of protests in our region? These and other issues are discussed in this 5-Stan Podcast.
You can listen to the podcast in Russian here:
Listen on Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts и Castbox.
This material has been prepared as part of the Giving Voice, Driving Change – from the Borderland to the Steppes Project. The opinions expressed in the article do not reflect the position of the editorial board or the donor.