
More than 60 thousand people will participate in a parade in honor of the 25th anniversary of independence of Tajikistan, on September 9 in Dushanbe.  (more…)

How has the late leader left his country after 25 years of autocratic rule?


How has the late leader left his country after 25 years of autocratic rule?

(more…) 07.09.16
The late leader leaves a tainted legacy and no evident successor.

(more…) 06.09.16

The wholesale meat trade on the Osh Bazaar does not meet hygienic standards and this is even admitted by specialists and workers on the market. Average buyers do not have the opportunity to see with their own eyes the conditions under which the delivery, processing and distribution is done because the wholesale market starts work from 3:00 am.  The retail trade wherein most customers buy their products differs significantly from the wholesale trade. (more…)

Another building in the southern capital built by the state directorate for the reconstruction of Osh and Jalal-Abad begins to dilapidate. Inhabitants of the multi apartment house which was constructed for blind and deaf people and was only recently given up for rent have complained about the destruction of walls and the poor work done on the sewerage. (more…)

Looking back at images of life in the quarter-century since independence.


“Worthy of note is that, despite a modest contribution of Iran to Tajikistan’s economy, it is thanks to its close cooperation that Dushanbe will be able to achieve three strategic goals: break a communication deadlock, ensure energy and food security”, –  says Khursand Khurramov, a political analyst, specially for, giving his forecasts on the development of the Tajik-Iranian relations.

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“Worthy of note is that, despite a modest contribution of Iran to Tajikistan’s economy, it is thanks to its close cooperation that Dushanbe will be able to achieve three strategic goals: break a communication deadlock, ensure energy and food security”, –  says Khursand Khurramov, a political analyst, specially for, giving his forecasts on the development of the Tajik-Iranian relations. (more…) 02.09.16

This fall Tajikistan is going to approve the national concept of fight against violent extremism until 2020. At the basis of the document are four provisions. The first point assumes informational work among young people.
