
Prison healthcare in Kyrgyzstan is a set of systemic problems, including the shortage of specialists, difficulties with transfer of sick prisoners, as well as difficulties with prisoners’ access to drugs, including vital drugs. (more…) 29.06.21

Tajikistan has begun reforming its penitentiary system, which will last until 2030. The Tajik Ministry of Justice hopes that with the help of implemented international standards, it will be possible to relieve closed institutions and build modern and equipped prisons. The government also plans to reduce the number of repeat offenders among former prisoners, prevent the spread of radicalism and extremism in prisons and improve the effectiveness of prison staff. (more…)

Back in May 2020, Kyrgyzstan announced amnesty to set handicapped people and people with disabilities free on parole. However, none of them was amnestied. (more…)

Mazhab Juma 09.05.20

The authorities see a solution in isolating prisoners convicted of extremism and terrorism in separate facilities, but this option also is risky. (more…)

Bolot Isaev 21.10.19

According to experts, new approaches are needed for deradicalisation of such prisoners, but we have neither money nor specialists for that.

(more…) 23.05.19
Questions asked over second outbreak of serious violence in six months.
