Protesters seized the White House building and freed ex-politicians from prison. On October 6, CEC of Kyrgyzstan recognised the results of election as null and void. (more…)
On October 4, the election of the 7th convocation of parliamentarians was held in Kyrgyzstan. For the first time, the election took place amid the pandemic.
On the eve of parliamentary elections in Kyrgyzstan invites you to test your knowledge about the work of the Jogorku Kenesh. (more…)
While Kyrgyzstan is recovering from the coronavirus pandemic, the country’s electoral processes are in full swing. Worse still, total reframing of the Kyrgyz political landscape over the last two years has been stirring things up for both politicians switching their allegiance and an electorate. (more…)
On June 10, the Majlisi Namoyandagon of the Majlisi Oli (the Lower Chamber of the Tajik Parliament), approved amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses and the Criminal Code. They toughen the punishment for intentional dissemination of false information in the media and online amid the appearance and spread of dangerous diseases. Civil society and journalists oppose the adoption of these amendments and address the country’s President Emomali Rahmon urging him to reject the bill. We answer questions on why these amendments should not be adopted. (more…)
The parliament of Kazakhstan legalised the parliamentary opposition. It means that the oppositionists would be entitled to speak in the lower house, introduce issues to the agenda and to promote draft laws alternative to the initiatives of the ruling majority. (more…)
Experts are not confident that 30% quota for women and youth will significantly change the political agenda of Kazakhstan. In their opinion, it will function only nominally.
On May 25, the president of Kazakhstan Kassym Zhomart-Tokayev signed amendments to the elections law. They introduce mandatory 30 per cent quotas for women and young people into voting lists of political parties. (more…)
Why Kazakhstan veterans of Afghan War are unhappy with the law “On veterans” to be adopted in their country, what should it contain in their opinion, and how they are going to achieve that. These are the things that were told to by Sharipbai Utegenov, a chair of the Union of Veterans of Afghan War and local wars of Kazakhstan and a deputy chair of the Committee for Internationalist Soldiers Affairs of the council of the heads of CIS member state governments.
Political analysts of Kazakhstan explain this decision differently and suggest versions of further prospects. (more…)