
The Central Asian agri-food sector and consumers are experiencing the negative consequences of quarantine restrictions, trade barriers and other factors. (more…)

Gulnaz Mustafa 10.06.20

Coronavirus pandemic has hit not only business, but the labour market of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. 


Zulfiya Raissova 09.06.20

The coronavirus pandemic has seriously impacted the economy and job security in Kazakhstan. One of the outbreak’s devastating effects has been the income loss for businesses in hospitality and catering, manufacturing, retail, as well as commercial and administrative activities. What about employment before and during the crisis?


Zulfiya Raissova 05.06.20

Experts are not confident that 30% quota for women and youth will significantly change the political agenda of Kazakhstan. In their opinion, it will function only nominally.

On May 25, the president of Kazakhstan Kassym Zhomart-Tokayev signed amendments to the elections law. They introduce mandatory 30 per cent quotas for women and young people into voting lists of political parties. (more…)

Aizhan Kakenova 01.06.20

In this economic instability faced both by public and by the government, there is one group left behind all possible parachutes and safety opportunities. This group is ethnic migrants.


Print media suffered the most of all Kazakhstan media from coronavirus. The crisis made many media outlets come to the limit and they will either die out or disappear, or transform, according to experts.


Askar Mukashev 28.05.20

In recent years, Kazakhstan has been actively involved in the fight against corruption. Starting from 2015, a new anti-corruption strategy of Kazakhstan was formed. Despite the various measures taken by the state, the country still fails to achieve the desired results.


Kazakhstan had participated in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) for the fourth time. The test results fell below the performance of previous years. Research suggests the relationship between funding and quality of education. (more…)

Illegal clubs and beauty salons, dismissals and lines – coronavirus pandemic has become a strength test for social responsibility of businesses in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. 
