global warming

Tinatin Osmonova 11.08.23

In the shadow of towering mountains, Kyrgyzstan faces a landscape as volatile as its climate. A nation grappling with escalating temperatures, dwindling water supplies, and the spectre of energy blackouts, it stands at a pivotal crossroads. With 31% of its GDP fueled by remittances, and a youthful population eager for opportunities, the task is clear yet complex: balance the urgent climate challenges with economic renewal. As the world warms, Kyrgyzstan’s response could offer a model for resilience—or a cautionary tale.

(more…) 02.11.21

he Central Asian region is the most vulnerable to climate change impacts. The common problems of all five countries will be melting glaciers and decreasing surface water runoff, that is, rivers’ water that flows over the soil surface into the lakes, says Andrey Podrezov, Head of the Department of Meteorology, Ecology and Environmental Protection at the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University. (more…)

Natalia Lee 22.10.21

The COP26 [26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties], which is scheduled to kick off on October 31 in Glasgow and will continue for two weeks, is important for Central Asian countries: they can build relationships with sponsors, and those organisations and countries that can help strengthen the region’s response to climate change, says Charles Edmund Garrett British Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan in analytical platform interview. (more…)

Anara Abdullaeva 15.10.21

A long-awaited global conference will be held in November 2021 – the Climate Change Conference of the Parties. (more…) 15.09.21

“The process of climate change is irreversible, and it is going to be even worse.” This is the conclusion that follows from the UN report that was presented on August 9, 2021. According to experts, in the nearest decades this problem is going to increase and will have a negative impact mainly on agriculture and healthcare. (more…)

Global warming became one of the most important problems in the world. It’s consequences are also present in Central Asia in forms of accelerated rate of glacial melting, rise of rivers’ level, hotter and drier summer. (more…) 13.07.21

Since early June 2021, weather forecasters in all Central Asian states report abnormal heat. According to experts, the average air temperature in the region will be increasing every year. (more…)

«Increasing the area of ​​perennial plantings in the mountains of Kyrgyzstan would have a positive effect on slowing down the melting process of glaciers in the region, as well as on CO2 uptake on the planet», – Azamat Temirkulov, associate professor, doctor of political sciences from Bishkek, wrote in his article for