Analysts say that power play is motivated by competition over energy resources.
Kyrgystan’s membership of a Moscow-led trading bloc has softened the blow for its citizens, but Uzbeks and Tajiks are clearly suffering. (more…)
Drivers of passenger vehicles on a trunk road seem to have forgotten how to undergo a checkout at transportation checkpoints. Instead of papers, they rush to officers with 20 som in their hands. Some smart officers sometimes stop heavy trucks and manage to get some coal. Investigative journalists of KTRK have found out that these payments are illegal and not intended for the budget. (more…)
Washington looks for areas for pragmatic cooperation despite Bishkek’s alignment with Moscow. Although the United States’ once-close relationship with Kyrgyzstan has faded as Russia reasserts its dominance in Central Asia, the Americans still seem keen to forge a new working relationship. (more…)
Tajikistan is hugely dependent on the funds sent home by its expat workforce, but as the Russian economy sheds low-skilled labour, experts are calling for better training so that those travelling abroad have more to offer. (more…)