
CABAR.asia 26.08.15
“One thing is obvious: foreign investors do not come to trade, and the activities of local entrepreneurs are limited only to trade during a quarter of a century after gaining independence, – foreign investors, as a rule, have a brutal business, with advanced technologies and business processes. For this reason alone, they deserve respect, in the long term”, said Irina Galkina, chief editor of Portal Millioner.kz (Almaty, Kazakhstan), in an article written for cabar.asia.

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CABAR.asia 20.08.15
“Surrealism is maintained by the feeling that time seems to have stopped for the inhabitants of these settlements. Any conversation with researchers was about how good it was before and how bad it is right now. The term “ghost town” reflects well the nature of these settlements because they exist as ghosts of the past, as the last living monuments to Soviet ideology, live ruins of the “empire”, said Emil Nasritdinov, teacher of Anthropology, AUCA (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan), in an article written for cabar.asia. (more…)
CABAR.asia 18.08.15
“Today, Kazakhstan has more than half of the population living in urban areas, reflecting a new trend of expanding areas around major cities in the country. Over time, the boundaries of cities are expanding, accomodating newly arriving migrants”, said Alexandra Kazakova, country director of the IWPR in Kazakhstan (Almaty, Kazakhstan), in an article written exclusively for cabar.asia. (more…)
CABAR.asia 14.08.15
“We must start not with the attraction of new investments, but with resolution of the problems of those investors who are already working in Kyrgyzstan. Every year, the number of lawsuits between the companies and public authorities are growing, and, unfortunately, most decisions are not in favor of Kyrgyz government”, said Temirbek Azhykulov, executive director of the International Business Council (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan), in an article written exclusively for cabar.asia.

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CABAR.asia 10.08.15
“If we talk about the prospects, it is possible to assume that, given the upcoming parliamentary elections, the crisis of leadership and of public confidence in the existing policy proposals of parties and their representatives, the popularity of “Kyrk Choro” will anyhow increase, especially in the regions”, noted Elmira Nogoibaeva, a researcher of socio-political processes. (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan), in an article written exlusively for cabar.asia.

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“Corruption accompanies a Tajik citizen from birth to the grave. Periodicals in Tajikistan are full of articles exposing corruption in hospitals, schools, universities, banks, courts, customs, tax authorities, etc.”, said Nurali Dawlat, journalist-analyst (Dushanbe, Tajikistan), in an article written for cabar.asia. (more…)
CABAR.asia 04.08.15
“Corruption has become one of the regular and inevitable things in the political and economic system of the country, however, it is modified by reducing its “bottom” part among the common population and maintaining or even increasing the “top” part among the political elites of the country”, said Marat Shibutov, representative of the Association of cross-border cooperation in Kazakhstan (Almaty, Kazakhstan), in an article written exclusively for cabar.asia. (more…)
CABAR.asia 31.07.15
“In Kazakhstan, the already lengthy campaign for the legalization of capital and real estate, which began in 2014, will be prolonged. Apparently, the government believes that the longer is the period when Kazakhstan citizens can take their assets out of the shadows, the more impressionable the result will be. Experts believe that this is not true. In addition, it is planned to transform the model of legalization, but the proposed changes are quite controversial”, said Irina Galkina, chief editor of the news portal Millioner.kz (Almaty, Kazakhstan), in an article written for cabar.asia.

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“The lack of information campaign to explain the new pension reform may lead to the fact that a certain part of the citizens of Tajikistan that will be retired in a few years will fall into the category of “poor” population”, said Konstantin Bondarenko, an economist, in his article written exclusively for cabar.asia. (more…)
CABAR.asia 27.07.15
 “It is obvious that having today’s level of corruption in Kyrgyz society and government, we cannot make any economic, scientific, technological or social breakthrough, because the corruption will continue to devour scarce resources that could be invested in our development”, said Adylbek Sharshenbaev, Director of Transparency International in Kyrgyzstan, in an article written exclusively for cabar.asia. (more…)