Multimedia / Turkmenistan

Altynay Karimova 15.09.20

What kind of monetary assistance from foreign organizations did the Central Asian countries receive in the fight against COVID-19 and its consequences?


It’s been more than six months since the outbreak of Covid-19, also known as coronavirus, in the world. The World Health Organisation, government of every country have taken various measures to reduce the scope of its spread among people since the beginning of the pandemic. (more…) 07.08.20

In 2019 and early 2020, about 90 petitions from Central Asian countries were published on the popular platform (more…) 03.08.20

What has the coronavirus pandemic revealed about regional cooperation in Central Asia? Will the format of the consultative meetings continue? Will there be regional responses to the pandemic and economic crisis?


Daniil Lyapichev 29.07.20

Take a quiz and learn how well you know how to protect yourself on the internet and what to do if you were hacked.


Altynay Karimova 09.07.20

How much the average monthly wage in Central Asia had changed against the US dollar over the past decade?


Zulfiya Raissova 22.05.20

After the USSR collapse, all the republics that gained independence created their own armed forces. decided to analyze military strength of the Central Asian countries. 

(more…) 09.05.20

Data on the number of infected, recovered and died of coronavirus in Central Asian countries.


Arsen Omuraliev 30.04.20

This article discusses the distribution of international donor assistance for development in five Central Asian countries from 1991 to 2018. Assistance to Central Asia was distributed unevenly, each state in the region has a different amount and type of financing.


Alcohol consumption is a social issue in Central Asia. The authorities of countries in the region regularly hold campaigns to reduce alcohol consumption and improve the citizens’ health. The issue nonetheless remains relevant and data on the region presents compelling numbers and trends.
