
Mirzo Subkhanov 19.09.19

Participants in the presidential affordable housing program in Uzbekistan claim their rights have been violated. They are unhappy with the price increase, non-compliance with the terms of the contract and accuse the construction companies of poor-quality work.
(more…) 06.03.19

Chief communications officer of Tajikistan sells apartments in his work office.

The head of the Communication Service under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan launched several points of Dushanbe apartments’ sales operating on the premises of the state body he controls. The apartments sold are built by a private firm of his son. These are the highlights of the journalistic investigation “The Houses That Beg Built” published in a local media (more…) 21.02.19

“Thank you, doctor. How much is it now?” – “Give thirty somoni, it will be enough.”

Such kind of dialogues are typical between patients and employees of Dushanbe Health Centers (as polyclinics in Tajikistan are now officially called). According to experts, this shows that corruption has taken deep roots in the field of healthcare in Tajikistan. The anti-corruption body, the General Prosecutor’s Office, and even the country’s Prime Minister are talking about this problem. (more…)

Artem Marusitsch 06.12.18

Obschestvennaya Nagrada profit organisation, which has been selling orders instituted by it to rich Kazakstanis for several years, has involved a specialist to give them out. According to the investigation held by Nasha Gazeta, it is a general of CIPDH, an entity that has been long known for fake diplomats.

Jamshed Marupov 01.11.18

Our journalistic investigation revealed that “economic problems, lack of money and labor migration” are the main factors of the radicalization of some Isfara residents … But some of the accused also said that their religious freedoms were limited in their homeland. (more…)

2018 was declared the Year of Tourism and Folk Crafts in Tajikistan. It gave certain results. For example, only during 9 months of this year, about five thousand foreign tourists visited the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAO). The previously established Tourism Development Department, created under the executive body of GBAO, began working in early 2018. (more…) 01.10.18

“We are tired of wandering and witnessing war in a foreign country, we want to be back to homeland as soon as possible”. These are Tajik women’s wishes, who are stuck for various reasons in Syria and Iraq, thousands of kilometres away from Tajikistan. Some of them ended up behind bars, while the rest live in the most terrible of conditions. At the same time, the majority of these women are wanted on charges of radicalism, but many of them do not consider themselves radicals. It leaves an open question: what exactly led Tajik women to the countries even natives are desperate to leave? (more…) 06.09.16

The wholesale meat trade on the Osh Bazaar does not meet hygienic standards and this is even admitted by specialists and workers on the market. Average buyers do not have the opportunity to see with their own eyes the conditions under which the delivery, processing and distribution is done because the wholesale market starts work from 3:00 am.  The retail trade wherein most customers buy their products differs significantly from the wholesale trade. (more…)

Another building in the southern capital built by the state directorate for the reconstruction of Osh and Jalal-Abad begins to dilapidate. Inhabitants of the multi apartment house which was constructed for blind and deaf people and was only recently given up for rent have complained about the destruction of walls and the poor work done on the sewerage. (more…) 03.08.16

A 35-year-old man arrested for drunkenness and was tortured at a police station. His relatives are now pursuing the punishment of the law enforcement officers involved in this matter. (more…)